Caramel Collection Package
This is a very special package, that includes a 12-bonbon assortment of our favorite caramel-infused bonbons.
A special 12 Bonbon Flight of Ingredients Across the World: We search for the most unique ingredients across the world. This collection, is a special "flight" for the bold, that really showcases our planet in a unique way. These salts provide a pull-and-tug effect on the caramel, unlocking a unique sense of flavor with a different lens.
Flavors may include the following in each batch:
Pacific Ocean Salt:
- Flavor Profile: Creamy finish with a taste of the Ocean
- About: This is the world's greatest caramel chocolate. Made with Salt that we personally secure from the Pacific Ocean. Distilled three times for the ultimate expression in a chocolate.
- Carolina Reaper Salt:
- Flavor Profile: The World's Hottest Chocolate
- About: Warning! this is a very spicy chocolate. How spicy? We wear 3 pairs of gloves in it's preparation. A rite of passage in some cultures, this chocolate separates the brave from the craven.
Alderwood Sea Salt:
- Flavor Profile: Smokey with a hint of the mountains
- About: This chocolates takes us back to the mountains, camping, and the outdoors. A smoky infusion that just is lovely.
Ghost Pepper Salt:
- Flavor Profile: Flash Spicy Heat
- About: One of our most popular caramels that is intertwined with Marsatta's history. Very popular with the caramel.
- Pink Himalayan Salt:
- Flavor Profile: A romantic appeal with a touch of sweet
- About: A special salt from the Himalayan mountains that has a natural pink aesthetic
- Citrus Herb Sea Salt:
- Flavor Profile: Savory Sweet
- About: This leads to the most balanced chocolate, that maximizes flavor by hitting all the right notes, especially with a savory aroma