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Our First Experimental Bean-to-Bar Flavors

Our First Experimental Bean-to-Bar Flavors

We have some very exciting news! In time for our 19th Anniversary Celebration, we are kicking off a new line of experimental chocolate infusions in our bean-to-bar chocolate. 

Our first bar is this beautiful superfood concoction of a number of herbal elements including organic figs, a special source of turmeric from India, and a hint of Manuka Honey from new Zealand. Lastly, we then infuse a superfood called ashwagandha, that is sourced from special roots in India, and has a host of benefits.

Our whole focus revolves around amazing taste, but this bar provides some much rich nutrients. 

Now these experimental flavors are in small batches of 50 bars, but if there is a lot of excitement. 

Learn more about the bar at this link: Click Here

Always, we would love to hear about ideas of flavors from you! It's our privilege to be your bean-to-bar chocolate chef!

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