"Father's Day" - Oberon Beer infused Chocolates (Gift Box)
Here at Marsatta, we love sports. The inspiration, thrill of victory, and the application of hard work...there's a lot of parallels in making handcrafted gourmet delicacies.
Some of our Oompah Loompas are huge Michigan fans. To help celebrated their playoff run, we have made a very special beer. Located on the bottom-left side of the "hand" is a place called Kalamazoo. Autoparts and craft beer: that's what K'Zoo does!
Bell's Beer practically invented craft beer. Established in 1985, Larry Bell helped developed the beer scene, which was one of the big reasons craft beer took off in Michigan.
Made with Michigan in Mind: We are head over heels for Michigan. From Cider & Donuts in the fall, the cherry festival in TC, to the rise of optimism in Detroit. For us, Michigan is more than great lakes, and great times, but a tribute to some of the best ingredients in the world. Hops, honey, cherries, and most of all, beer.
Infused with Oberon Beer: Spoiler alert, it's very cold right now in Michigan and Canada. So for those that need a break from the snow, take a bite of our favorite summer beer, infused in a chocolate. More than beer, this is a savory vessel made on Mt Olympus with a concoction of drinkable gold. Some say this powered the Red Wing's storied run in the early 2000s. We don't know, but this wheat beer is beyond ordinary.
Inspired by Greatness: So why are we doing a summer beer infused in a chocolate, in the middle of winter? Because we like our khaki pleated pants, our overly-sized yet historic stadiums, and our winged helmets. Because why do you need to pass, when you can run the ball? Down the middle. Simple. Elegant. So introducing our salute to Team 143, this is a tribute to you. The team, the team, team.